This is a tutorial / memo for myself how to setup GDNative and godot-cpp with CMake and MinGW in June 2021. When you just have to follow instructions, this setup is easy. But for now all the tutorial repos are out of date, confusing godot-headers with godot_headers and something like that.

I prefer CMake to SCons because it’s more widespread (In reality I hate all of the C++ build tools but the build process is even less fun without them). More widespread means that more of the external libraries use it.

Step 0: setup your tools

You will need to download and install before the start (all x64 versions):

  1. Git
  2. Python
  3. MinGW
  4. CMake
  5. Godot

All of the above should be searchable in your path. I believe in 2021 all the installers add themselves to the PATH, except for Godot, which is distributed as a single binary, which is certainly cool. But we still have to add it to the PATH variable so that Godot_v3.3.2-stable_win64.exe would be callable from anywhere.

Also as a terminal emulator on Windows I use Cmder and I like it.

Step 1: organize your project

To make life more interesting let’s go with some unorthodox project structure:

/export                    //game binaries built with godot
/lib                       //dependencies for our gdnative library
/lib/godot-cpp             //you always need it
/native/                   //our c++ libraries
/native/world              //our world generation gdnative library
/godot                     //godot project sources
/godot/native              //gdnative godot libraries
/godot/native/world        //gdnative files (.gdns and .gdnlib) for pur library
/godot/native/bin          //compiled gdnative libraries and dependencies (.dll)                   //simple build script for godot project

Step 2: setup git repository

We will use git to copy latest godot-cpp and godot-headers

  • Init repo

    git init
  • Create file named “.gitgnore” for git not to track the files generated during build process or by Godot editor

sample .gitgnore:
# VSCode specific

# C++

# Godot-specific ignores

# Export directory
  • Add and commit .gitgnore to git:

    git add . && git commit -m "added gitgnore"

Step 3: build godot-cpp dependency

  • Clone godot-cpp dependency to our lib/ subdirectory
    • Navigate to lib/
      cd lib
    • Add godot-cpp as submodule
      git submodule add -b 3.x
    • The following also downloads dependency
      git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Built godot-cpp which are the GDNative bindings for C++
    • Create directories for build files generated by CMake
      mkdir godot-cpp\build\win64\debug && cd godot-cpp\build\win64\debug
    • Generate the build files
      cmake ../../.. -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DBITS=64
    • Compile library (this can take a while)
      cmake --build . -- -j4
  • Test GDNative with a test project provided with godot-cpp
    • Navigate to godot-cpp/test/
      cd ../../../test
    • Create a bin/win64/ directory for test library, on windows it would be a .dll file
      mkdir bin\win64
    • Build the object file from provided init.cpp
      g++ -fPIC -o src/init.o -c src/init.cpp -g -O3 -std=c++14 -I../include -I../include/core -I../build/win64/debug/include/gen -I../godot-headers

      First, notice that tutorials sometimes use godot_headers instead of godot-headers since that how it used to be named. Second, -I../build/win64/debug/include/gen is used instead of -I../include/gen the second one is where the bindings are generated if you use SCons and what is mentioned in all the tutorials, but CMake in godot-cpp repo generates bindings in the first path. Possible errors:

      • init.cpp:1:10: fatal error: Godot.hpp: No such file or directory - Sorry, I don’t remember what it was. Must be the wrong path to the lib\godot-cpp\include\core\Godot.hpp passed here -I../include/core
      • gdnative_api_struct.gen.h not found - godot-headers repo is not found in godot-cpp. It was first named godot_headers, not godot-headers so older manuals have this error
      • ...Reference.hpp not found... - the Godot bindings headers have not been found in ../build/win64/release_shared/include/gen These bindings are autogenerated by CMake when you build godot-cpp on step 3. However if you use SCons for building it, they are generated in the ../include/gen and all manuals mention this directory. This issue is true for June 2021, but may be fixed later
    • Link it with our gdnative and c++ runtime libraries
      g++ -o bin/win64/libgdexample.dll -shared src/init.o -static -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -L../bin

      Possible errors:

      • Error: Can’t open dynamic library platform/windows/ - is not found in the ../bin/ directory
    • Run the test godot project
      Godot_v3.3.2-stable_win64.exe -s

      (Godot_v3.3.2-stable_win64.exe should be in the PATH or provide full path to it). If everything is fine you will see that Godot ran and saw our GDNative library:

      Native Script [NativeScript:1183]
      Library [GDNativeLibrary:1181]
      Reference [Reference:1185]
      Reference name SimpleClass
      Reference value 0
      Call method 1

      Possible errors:

      • ERROR: Can't open dynamic library: .../libgdexample.dll, error: Error 126 - Godot can’t find your compiled dll. Check the path in gdexample.gnlib in Windows.64= parameter of section [entry] and if it contains the correct path to your library

Step 4: Compile godot-cpp as a release library

Debug library is cool for debugging, but it’s unoptimised and has a lot of bloat (it’s ~140Mb large). Who needs debugging anyway? (jokes aside, you probably wouldn’t want to debug Godot itself). From now on I will skip most of navigation (especially back to the project root). But now you should go to the root by cd ..\..\..

  • Create release directory in build
    mkdir lib\godot-cpp\build\win64\release && cd lib\godot-cpp\build\win64\release
  • Modify the CMakeLists.txt in lib/godot-cpp/. Disable debug information in the builds so the Godot library build would be not 140Mb, but 5Mb. On line 110 replace:
    set(GODOT_COMPILE_FLAGS "-fPIC -g -Wwrite-strings")


    set(GODOT_COMPILE_FLAGS "-fPIC -Wwrite-strings")
  • Prepare build for the release version
    cmake ../../.. -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DBITS=64 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  • Build it
    cmake --build . -- -j4

Cool, we now have the release version of godot-cpp library, which is around 5Mb large. The libraries with .a extension are supposed to be statically linked with the executable or library using them, i.e. copied inside them. Our resulting library should be around 6Mb. Careful when building, your library name now would be not, but

Step 5: Compile godot-cpp as a shared .dll library

This step is optional and is not the supposed way GDNative is used.

There is also a possibility to build a godot-cpp library that can be referenced from the outside library as a .dll, dynamic link library. Why would you do it? If you want to make several modules, statically linking with godot-cpp would mean it’s copied into every library you build. On the downside, you’ll have to distribute not a single gdnative .dll, but several .dll files alongside with it and default Godot exporter won’t copy them for you. But you still are distributing your .dll separately from your executable, so why not make even more of a mess?

Another possible scenario for distributing .dlls separately is when some library dependency explicitly forbids embedding it into your binary. This is not the case for Godot obviously, but is, for example, the case for Qt.

  • Modify the CMakeLists.txt in lib/godot-cpp/. On line 172 replace:


    add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED
  • Prepare build of godot-cpp release library
    cmake ../../.. -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DBITS=64 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  • And build it
    cmake --build . -- -j4

    At this stage in lib/godot-cpp/bin there should be 3 libraries, 2 for static linking,, and for dynamic.

  • Test GDNative as a dynamic library with a provided test project
    • Copy all .dll dependencies to the godot-cpp/test/bin/win64 folder:
      • our godot-cpp library
      • gcc runtime dlls for mingw32 from mingw32 bin/win64 folder (my mingw installation is in C:\Program Files\mingw-w64\x86_64-7.3.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64)
        • libstdc++-6.dll
        • libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
        • libwinpthread-1.dll (to use threads possibly)
    • Navigate to godot-cpp/test by running cd ../../../test
    • Compile init.cpp
      g++ -fPIC -o src/init.o -c src/init.cpp -O3 -std=c++14 -I../include -I../include/core -I../build/win64/release/include/gen -I../godot-headers
    • Build a GDNative .dll by linking it with our godot-cpp library
      g++ -o bin/win64/libgdexample.dll -shared src/init.o -Lbin/win64

      Possible errors:

      • Error: Can’t open dynamic library platform/windows/ - one of the .dll libraries, which you should copy, is not found in the test/ directory
    • Run the test Godot project
      Godot_v3.3.2-stable_win64.exe -s

      Possible errors:

      • ERROR: Can't open dynamic library: C:/Users/user/Documents/sailing_west/lib/godot-cpp/test/lib/libgdexample.dll, error: Error 126 … - Either Godot can not find your compiled dll. Check the path in gdexample.gnlib in the section [entry] under parameter Windows.64= and if that path contains your compiled .dll Or one of the dll dependencies mentioned in 5.a is absent. They should be in the same directory with your compiled library .dll.

Now our Godot library is only 72kb in size itself with additional dlls of around 7Mb of which 5 is godot-cpp.

Step 6: Create your own Godot & GDNative project

Now we can move on to setting up our first library project. Let it be named “world” as I was going to generate the world with it.

  • If you went with step 5, copy your mingw standard library dlls (libstdc++-6.dll, libgcc_s_seh-1.dll, libwinpthread-1.dll) into /lib/std - just to have them among dependencies explicitly
  • Navigate to the project root and cd native && mkdir world\src && cd world
  • Copy init.cpp from lib/godot-cpp/test/src into native/world/src
  • Create CMakeLists.txt. I came up with the following one, which builds everything for me:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
project(world VERSION 0.1.0)
    set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release)
set(BUILD_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../../godot/native/bin/${MY_SYSTEM_OUTPUT_PATH})
set(MY_COMPILER_FLAGS "-fPIC -Wwrite-strings")

add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED src/init.cpp)

# Default build is static, build shared only if you went with step 5
	set(BUILD_SHARED False)

    add_custom_command(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} PRE_LINK
            COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory
            ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../../lib/std/ ${BUILD_PATH})
    add_custom_command(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} PRE_LINK
            COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy
            ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../../lib/godot-cpp/bin/libgodot-cpp.${SYSTEM_NAME}.${BUILD_TYPE}.64.dll ${BUILD_PATH})
    set(LINK_DIRS "${BUILD_PATH}")
    set(LINKER_FLAGS "-static -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++")
    set(LINK_DIRS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../../lib/godot-cpp/bin/)
# that's just quick and dirty folder cleanup, actually CMake would detect what has changed

    set(COMPILER_FLAGS "-g")
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC
target_link_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ${LINK_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE "godot-cpp.${SYSTEM_NAME}.${BUILD_TYPE}.64")
  • Now you can build
    • debug statically linked “self-contained” library when you want to debug everything and don’t care about it being 140Mb
      mkdir build\win64\debug && cd build\win64\debug
      cmake ../../.. -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Windows -DBUILD_SHARED=False
      cmake --build . -- -j4
    • OR release statically linked library without debug bloat included into godot-cpp
      mkdir build\win64\release && cd build\win64\release
      cmake ../../.. -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Windows -DBUILD_SHARED=False
      cmake --build . -- -j4
    • OR release dynamically linked library with .dll dependencies distributed separately
      mkdir build\win64\release && cd build\win64\release
      cmake ../../.. -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Windows -DBUILD_SHARED=True
      cmake --build . -- -j4

    Possible errors:

    • cannot open output file ... \godot\native\lib\win64\libworld.dll: Permission denied - When rewriting the library dll, if the Godot editor is open it can block the writing of your library .dll. It won’t happen when you test by running, but it will if you working further, using Godot editor.
  • Test with the same Godot test project
    • copy the sample project files (, gdexample.gnlib, gdexample.gdns and project.godot) to the godot/
    • Replace Windows.64=”res://bin/win64/libgdexample.dll” to Windows.64=”res://native/bin/win64/libworld.dll” in gdexample.gnlib in the section [entry].
    • Navigate to your godot (cd ..\..\..\..\..\godot) run the same
      Godot_v3.3.2-stable_win64.exe -s

Step 7: Prepare and export godot project

Finally we have to test that our game would work after exported from Godot. Godot built-in exporter will copy GDNative libraries’ dlls it depends on while exporting, but won’t copy our additional dependencies, if used them as shared libraries.

  • Open the project we have at godot/ with Godot editor.
  • Create a scene
  • Create a script that that scene would use
  • Copy the contents of _initialize() in to our new script _ready()
  • Save and run the project, selecting the default scene
  • Export project in the Godot editor UI to the export/win64/ with the name, say Native_project.exe
  • (if you used shared while build) To copy all the additional dlls, you can use Windows robocopy utility, like this.
    robocopy godot/native/bin/win64 export/win64 *.dll

Now you can run your game and test

  • cd export/win64
  • Native_project.exe At this point you should see your project running

Final words

That’s more of a memo for myself, not to forget how to deal with errors that arise during the process. I am not super proficient with CMake, so the whole process caused a bit of trouble. There are some incorrect tutorials and obsolete sample projects out there, that won’t work out-of-the-box now (June 2021). I went through all of the steps before posting (except for step 0) just to test that they work exactly as they are described.

Update: If you want to leave a comment, leave it in this reddit post