About TilePipe

Docs and info about TilePipe, a tool for game developers to automate some of the routine in tileset creation

About TilePipe

This site is here since the purpose and usage of the program is not obvious to everyone who might find it useful. What can TilePipe be used for?

  • Create and modify tilesets fast during a jam.
  • Create tilesets for move zones and other highlights for 2d and 3d turn-based games.
  • Create sipmle tilesets for pixelart platformers.
  • Create not game-ready tilesets, but tileset drafts to later modify and tweak in grahical editor

In short, with input like this

example input

You can get autotile-ready tileset like this

example output

Be sure to check out the Tutorial

Download TilePipe from itch.io, it’s free


(of course, no one ever asked those questions except the first one)

Why is it needed at all?

The tileset editor UI in Godot 3 is not convinient to express it lightly. Also, copying the same 4 corners for 47 * 4 times is dull and hunting everytime for a pixel makes one’s eyes bleed. So here it is.

What are the alternatives?

Check out Tilesetter, it looks good. Maybe, if I found it before making TilePipe, I would have not even started with it.

Is it opensource?

Yes, MIT license